One Step at a Time to Self-Discovery: This New Year, Choose Karate

One Step at a Time to Self-Discovery: This New Year, Choose Karate

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And the journey of a thousand kicks begins with the first.” – Gichin Funakoshi The end of one year and the beginning of another is always a time of reflection and new possibilities. Just like any ending and new beginning, we leave behind what […]

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Sharp Mind or Cheesy Slice? Karate vs Pizza

Sharp Mind or Cheesy Slice? Karate vs Pizza

I’m sure this question hasn’t crossed your mind before: “Eat pizza or learn karate?” Well, if it has, here’s my answer, which should make your decision a lot easier. At first glance, these might seem like completely unrelated activities, but dive a little deeper, and you’ll find some surprising similarities. Both are forms of self-expression, […]

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The Relevance of Martial Arts: Is It Worth Learning Karate in Today’s World?

The Relevance of Martial Arts: Is It Worth Learning Karate in Today’s World?

The other day, while chatting about my karate workshop, a friend asked, “Is it necessary? Who’s bothering whom?” I paused, thinking about the question. In today’s relatively peaceful world, it’s easy to wonder who needs martial arts and why. Why should anyone invest time in learning something like karate, especially when violent confrontations seem rare? […]

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